3 ) Disadvantages of Social Media for Business-
social media is the fastest growing industry in the world. We all know there
lots of advantages of social media but in spite of it have negative impact
on users it depends on users how they want to use or misuse the social media.
Let discuss some disadvantage of social media for business and society: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=iZnggYOA&id=1F84D79AF59524E4C4ACF3C326C3A2B10E36BC40&q=pictures+of+disadvantages+of+social+media+like+hacker+attack+internet+&simid=608007726549371456&selectedIndex=267&ajaxhist=0
Hacking -
Personal information and data can be easily hacked by the hacker which may
result to financial losses. They can share your important email and file by
hacking your personal account. (Mark D. Minevich, 2017)
secrecy- It is hard to maintain business secrecy on social media
the competitors can easily come to know about new product and design easily. They
can also use the data and feedback provide by your customers for their
business. For example, we can visit on
any website and we can download and copy image easily. (The Equality Team, 2017)
Reputation- The
biggest problem in the social media is the fake account and I'd used to make a
false comment and review about the company which effects the image of the
brands. (Ahmad, 2016)
Time- Time
consuming process for small business owners because they have to spend time on
the social media to manage their accounts and page they don't have enough
staff. (The Equality Team, 2017)
Addiction- It’s
a worst side of social media which effects daily lives and mental health of the
user. People are too much addicted to the social media they forget about
physical activity and other way of spending time. (Ahmad, 2016)
Mark D. Minevich.
(2017). The Research Pedia. Retrieved from theresearchpedia.com:
The Equality
Team. (2017). Invest Northen Ireland. Retrieved from NIBUSINESS
Ahmad, B. (2016, March 10). TechMaish. Retrieved from TechMaish.com: https://www.techmaish.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-social-media-for-society/